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2024 Capital Projects

Looking for updates on projects happening in or around Bayside? You have come to the right place! Below you will find information regarding various projects in our community.

I-43 North-South

The I-43 North-South Freeway is among the busiest routes in Wisconsin and is a critical Interstate link between southeast Wisconsin and the entire state. I-43 provides access to manufacturers, merchants, commuters and tourists within southeast Wisconsin, the Milwaukee metropolitan area, and other areas including Green Bay, Sheboygan, Manitowoc and Chicago.

WisDOT has maintained and rehabilitated the ramps, bridges, pavements and other structures on I-43 for 50 years. The North-South Freeway has exceeded its design life and it is no longer economical to maintain.

This project includes the expansion of I-43 from four to six lanes, the reconstruction of five existing interchanges along the corridor, ​a new interchange at Highland Road, and the replacement of the Union Pacific railroad bridge over I-43 in Glendale. The project also includes the expansion of a section of Port Washington Road in Glendale from two lanes to four lanes. During construction, the project will work to keep two lanes open in each direction - similar to existing conditions.

This project is being completed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

For any questions or concerns throughout construction, please contact:

Rachel Andreoli

Construction Public Involvement Lead

(262) 977-0234

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Advanced Warning Crosswalk System Replacement

The Village of Bayside will be replacing Advanced Warning Crosswalk Systems at two intersections: Brown Deer Road and Regent Road, and Brown Deer Road and Pelham Parkway. The Village applied for and received a competitive grant that will aid in funding the project costs. The purpose of the project is to prioritize and enhance pedestrian safety and road crossing experiences. These advanced systems will replace outdated crosswalk infrastructure while introducing additional early warning signs. With heightened visibility and proactive signs, our new crosswalks will aid in safer road crossings, safeguarding pedestrians, and motorists alike.  

The Village will be installing 12 new systems altogether, 4 main crosswalk systems along with 6 prewarning systems. The estimated installation and completion of this project is the early to mid-October.

Brown Deer Rd Pedestrian Crosswalk Enhancement (2)

Brown Deer Road Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure Study

The Village Engineer is preparing a work plan to identify sewer capacity and develop engineered solutions to enhance sanitary sewer capacity in the 8-block area bounded by Brown Deer Road, Krause Place, Iroquois Road, and Navajo Road.  The scope of work includes creating a computer model of the sewers in the area and develop recommendations for consideration.

MMSD Fish Creek Study

The purpose of this project is to reduce the risk of flooding along Fish Creek in the Village of Bayside while protecting an environmentally sensitive stream corridor downstream. The scope of the project consists of conducting a preliminary engineering study of Fish Creek to mitigate for current and future anticipated flood risks associated with additional runoff expected from land use changes in the watershed.

The current effective Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain for Fish Creek has not changed since these earlier studies and is only delineated in Milwaukee County within the Village of Bayside, which corresponds to the District’s jurisdiction.  No structures are within the effective FEMA floodplain. About a decade ago, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) created new hydrologic and hydraulic models for Fish Creek that expanded the mapping upstream into Ozaukee County within the City of Mequon.  SEWRPC has not submitted the revised modeling and floodplain mapping to FEMA, because the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) requested that they delay until the Interstate 43 (I-43) widening project was completed and its improvements could be incorporated.

The updated SEWRPC modeling and floodplain mapping show eleven structures in the Village of Bayside are now at high risk of flooding. Preliminary SEWRPC modeling of proposed increases in watershed imperviousness shows greater flows and water surface elevations downstream, putting those eleven structures in Bayside at greater risk of flooding and potentially endangering other structures.  Fish Creek and its tributary are the District’s jurisdictional streams, and the District has a responsibility to explore flood mitigation options on these streams.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) has designated the downstream portions of Fish Creek the Fairy Chasm State Natural Area.  Fish Creek flows through a 100-foot-deep chasm in this state-designated natural area owned by the Ozaukee Washington Land Trust.  Unique conditions have created a microclimate for species typically found further north.  Any proposed projects upstream shall protect this area against erosive streamflows.

The scope of the project generally consists of the following:

  • Reviewing the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling done by WisDOT and SEWRPC.  Fish Creek and its tributaries will be evaluated.
  • Examining and documenting field conditions, paying particular attention to stream erosion potential.
  • Analyzing alternatives for mitigating flooding within the Village of Bayside.
  • Recommending an alternative to reduce risk of flooding to structures in the Village of Bayside while protecting downstream reaches from erosion.
  • Producing preliminary engineering plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the selected alternative.
  • Facilitating stakeholder workshops and public meetings.

The Consultant’s evaluations and recommendations will be summarized in the Preliminary Engineering Design Report.


MMSD Private Property Infiltration & Inflow Reduction Program

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Private Property Infiltration and Inflow Reduction project is a program to allow MMSD to rehabilitate the area near the Bay Point lift station and other properties identified in the Village, funded through grant monies. MMSD will engineer, project manage, and rehabilitate the identified property's laterals. This project will help reduce the chance of basement backups for the entire neighborhood as well as assist with reducing flows contributing to the Bayside East Side Sanitary Sewer Relief.

Through investigative work, MMSD has identified 11 properties that qualify for rehabilitation. These properties will undergo work that includes lateral rehabilitations, installation of sump pumps, abandonment of palmer valves, disconnection of downspouts, and grouting of laterals. The anticipated work plan for the area near Bay Point lift station will have bid openings in May, with an anticipated project awarding in June, followed by work beginning in fall.

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